LabStats reports are designed to help you understand usage patterns of stations, applications and users on campus.
This is a quick overview of what reports are available, how to configure them, what questions they can answer, and how to share the data you get.
Configuring Reports
Each report can be configured in different ways depending on the tags you’ve set up and the questions you’re seeking answers to. You can select timeframe and user, station, or application tags to hone in on specific data.
Downloading and Sharing Reports
You can download any report in a user-friendly format (similar to what you see on the report screen) or in a raw format (a spreadsheet that’s easy to manipulate). You can also email reports in either format by clicking the “Share” button.
Related: LabStats 101 Reports Overview
Login Reports
Login Summary by User — [List]
A list of users with the number of times they’ve logged in, number of stations they’ve used, total and average hours they’ve used those stations and the last time they logged in.
Login Summary by Station — [List]
A list of computers with the number of times they’ve been logged into, unique users, total usage hours and average usage hours.
Login Summary by Group — [List]
A list of computer labs (groups) with the number of stations in each group, number of times they’ve been logged into, number of unique users that have logged in, total usage time and average usage time.
Login Sessions — [List]
A non-aggregated list of every single login session with the group, user, start and end time, and total duration. This report can help you find detailed information about an individual login session.
Active Session History — [Line graph]
A summary of active sessions so you can see the number of active sessions during each time frame. This report can help you get a general idea of traffic.
Average Login History — [Bar graph]
A graph showing the average number of sessions by hour. This report can help you understand traffic and which hour in the day has the most logins.
Average Usage History by Week — [Bar graph]
A graph showing the average number of logins by day. This report can help you understand which day in the week has the most traffic.
Average Usage History by Day — [Line graph]
A graph showing the percentage of available computer time used. This report can help you understand what time of day computers typically have the highest utilization.
Usage History — [Line graph]
A graph showing the percentage of utilization, grouped by location or other configuration options. This report can help you compare computer labs of different sizes so you can see which ones are closest to full capacity—regardless of size.
Peak Usage History — [Line graph]
A graph showing the maximum number of computers that are in use simultaneously. You can configure this to show individual groups (computer labs) or all stations. This report can help you understand if you have too few or too many computers in a single location.
Login History — [Line graph]
A graph showing the number of logins by location. This report can help you compare the usage of different locations based on login counts.
User History — [Line graph]
A graph showing the number of unique users who have logged in by location.
Application Reports
Application Summary — [List]
A list of application names with the number of times each application has been launched, number of stations it’s been launched on, number of unique users, total, average and focus times, and first and last launch times. Focus time is the amount of time the application is actively used, rather than just running in the background.
Application Launch History — [Line and bar graphs]
The Application Launch History report has multiple reports in one: Total Usage, Launch Count, Average Session Length and Max Concurrent Usage (use the blue arrows to navigate). These reports can help you compare how similar applications are used to see if one application is gaining favor over another and can help you decide if your current license count is a good fit for actual utilization.
Application Usage History — [Line graph]
A graph showing the utilization percentage of an application over time. This report can help you understand how an application is used over time.
Application Sessions —[List]
A non-aggregated list that shows each time an application is launched and how long it is used.
Station Reports
Inventory Breakdown — [Chart]
A list of different applications in use. You can use tags such as installation year and operating system to get a list of computers that are due for a refresh.
Power Sessions — [List]
A list of the power sessions. You can use this report to verify if stations are being powered down according to your guidelines.
Miscellaneous Reports
Point in Time — Shows a snapshot of everything that’s happening in a specific point in time.
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