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  3. How do I improve the student experience in my labs?
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  3. How do I improve the student experience in my labs?

How do I improve the student experience in my labs?

Have the Right Amount of Hardware and Software

LabStats’ reports show how many applications are being used. Correctly allocated lab resources can help save money and improve the student computing experience. Fewer software applications might need to be purchased since resources could be shifted or eliminated based on LabStats’ data. Learn more about how LabStats can help to right-size lab resources. How do I use LabStats to right-size my lab resources?

Help Students Find Available Computers


Use LabStats’ Maps feature to display on websites and kiosks which computers are being used. Students will be able to easily and efficiently find computers to use and the utilization of lab computers will increase. Learn more about how LabStats can help display computer availability to students.

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