Labstats Support

Station Info

LabStats identifies and tracks stations using the MAC Address. In most cases, a MAC Address is unique to the machine that uses it, and since it is a physical part of the motherboard, it cannot change under normal circumstances. This makes it the best identifying value for us to use. 

To view the information included in LabStats, click on a station name or icon to load the Station Info page. This page displays the station’s ID, name, description, group name, and any associated tags.

Related: How to Use LabStats for Space Management


The Current tab can show the following information:

  • Powered On—The date and time the device was powered on (if currently in use or powered on).
  • Login—The login name of the current user and the date and time the user logged in.
  • Current Applications–The tracked applications that are currently running on the device.


The Machine tab on the Station Info page shows the following hardware information as reported by the device:

  • Machine ID
  • Hostname
  • Operating System
  • Serial
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • MAC Addresses
  • Ip Addresses
  • IPV6 Addresses
  • Client Version

Installed Applications

Shows a downloadable list of all the software installed on the selected station.

  • It shows the version number, operating system, and the vendor of the software.
  • It also includes a timestamp of the last time the software was inventoried.


  • Edit Station—Edit the station’s name, description, icon, and associated tags.
  • View Recent—View recent Power, Login, and Application sessions.
  • Reallocate Station—Perform various actions based on physical machine movement.
    • Replace—Use Hardware Reallocation to detach data from an old machine and attach that data to a new machine.
    • Move—Use Hardware Reallocation to detach the data from this station and leave it with this group. Then move the station to a new group.
    • Decommission—Use Hardware Reallocation to archive the data from this station and then remove the station from your instance.
    • Deduplicate Station—Merge the station with another station including the collected data (in the case of duplicate stations).
  • Assign to a Different Group—Reassign the station to another group including all the collected data.
  • Unassign Station from Group—Remove the station from its current group and put it into the Unassigned group along with all the data it has collected.
Related: How to Find Underutilized Computers 

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